About CoolSafety

CoolSafety is an online specialist for personal protective equipment and safety. CoolSafety goes the extra mile to advice customers about the purchase and use of equipment. Thanks to that, their customers rate the company 9.5 on average on Kiyoh!

Coolsafety online store shows the search results on the desktop view

How SPARQUE.AI helped CoolSafety

SPARQUE.AI can easily handle large product assortments, where it is of utmost importance that customers find and order the right products quickly. A good example is CoolSafety. Being presented with only relevant search results, their customers benefit from a clear and short user journey. CoolSafety uses data to predict what is relevant for each customer and activates and adjusts their own algorithms in SPARQUE.AI. New customer insights are then used to train the algorithms further.

Cool Safety: product suggestions in online store

Sparque solutions for CoolSafety



Strong suggestions and relevant results

How can you help your customer to get to the products he needs fastest? Using an intelligent search function that learns from what other visitors do. The type-ahead suggests keywords, products and content that not only fit the keyword, but are most helpful. The search results take into account aspects that are important to the customer, for example the delivery time.

Cool Safety: product suggestions in online store

Imagine. Done.

How does it work? CoolSafety can predict what is relevant to each visitor using data and SPARQUE.AI’s unique Build-your-own-algorithm feature. CoolSafety activates and manages their own algorithms in the SPARQUE desk. Popular keywords, frequently sold products and best matching content is boosted to make products and information easy to find. The improved search has increased conversion rate by almost 50%!

Coolsafety online store shows the search results on the desktop view
Quotation mark

“My job is really to get Marketing the features it needs while making sure the features are built on data. That way, features remain correct with an expanding assortment and changes over time without need for manual maintenance.”

Francis co Guller, Data scientist CoolSafety

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